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Relaxing Reflexology- the Reset button you need!

My treatments in Soul to Sole Reflexology & Wellness are tailored to your needs. They include: Face, ear, hand, foot, Fertility, Menopause or Hot/cold Stone Reflexology. Gua Sha Facial or Face Reflexology is ultre relaxing too!

Gua Sha Reflexology works on the following to leave you with a glowing complexion and above all, reset and relaxed.

It works on circulation, lifting, lymphatic drainage and wrinkles. The cool, smooth rose quartz or jade tools feel so smooth and luxurious on the skin- just the treatment you want!

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Fertility Reflexology

Fertility Reflexology is a tailor made treatment with specific protocols to help assist you on your fertility journey. The techniques for reproductive reflexology have been developed over many years a

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